MG官方电子平台 is celebrating the inauguration of Eric Boynton as its 12th president in a day of festivities.


Whether in-person or virtual, there’s nothing like experiencing Beloit’s campus.

The aerial view of MG官方电子平台 campus in spring.

Beloit is a must-see on any Midwest college tour. Explore a diverse and unique small city and get to know an innovative liberal arts college known for putting students first.

We offer lots of different ways to get to know us including 访问的日子, 校园参观, 虚拟访问, 组访问.



Joining us for a visit day is the best way to immerse yourself in Beloit and experience first-hand the individual attention and support offered by our faculty and staff. You’ll design your own schedule with opportunities to explore everything from our museums to our center for entrepreneurship and our athletic facilities. 最重要的是, you’ll get to know current students who’ve come from around the world to explore their passions and to launch meaningful careers and lives.

Beloit offers a transformative education — find out if it’s for you at a 访问 Day.



A campus visit to Beloit is your opportunity to join our community for a day and discover what it’s like to live and learn on an innovative, 文理学院校园. We treat all of our students as individuals, we treat our guests the same way. Expect an experience tailored to your interests with plenty of opportunities for one-on-one conversation.

Our 招生 Office is open Monday-Friday, year-round (with occasional exceptions) and select Saturdays. If you can’t make it to campus, please consider a 虚拟访问.





  • 贝洛伊特的参观体验, 比如学生的经历, is personal and individualized; come prepared to engage! We’ll want to hear about your passions and experiences, we hope you’ll have lots of questions for us.
  • The typical visit experience lasts about two hours and can extend to include much of the day. If you have specific time constraints, please let us know in your visit request.
  • Much of your tour will be outside, Wisconsin weather can be unpredictable. Please wear appropriate clothing and be prepared for changing and inclement weather.
  • Information on getting to campus and local accommodations is available, we will send additional information in preparation for your visit. For GPS directions to campus, use the address 701 College St.威斯康辛州伯洛伊特53511. Parking reserved for admissions visitors is available on College St.
  • At Beloit we believe that self care is community care, your health and safety is important to us. There are currently no Covid-related restrictions for campus visitors, but we continue to monitor Wisconsin caseloads and CDC guidance. We support and respect you taking any steps you need to feel safe during your visit, we ask that you please reschedule if you or a member of your party becomes ill.




We know prospective Beloiters come from all over the world and can’t always visit us in person. We are thrilled to engage with you virtually.

  • 现场参观交流. Experience an individualized, real-time video walk through campus with a current student over Zoom.
  • 认识一个学生. 只想聊聊天? Our student ambassadors are happy to meet you on Zoom to talk about your intended major, traveling to Beloit from outside the midwest, 市中心最好的食物, 或者你脑子里的其他事情.
  • 见见你的招生顾问. If you’ve already seen campus or met with us at a school visit, this is a great way to continue the conversation. Whether you want to share your unique story, ask questions about a specific program at Beloit, 或者讨论申请过程, 我们很想和你聊聊.

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